ISNAP: Integrated Single-cell NAvigation Portal

ISNAP is a flexible bioinformatics platform for publishing biological data. Built on R Shiny, ISNAP was built with the goal of modularity (think Legos) and can be adapted to numerous R workflows. Available for web or local hosting (local hosting allows for more upload bandwidth - contact me if you are interested!)

snacc: Sequence Non-Alignment Compression Comparison

snacc is a pipeline that implements the normalized compression distance (NCD) specifically for biological data. The workflow primarily consists of 3 stages: compression, clustering, and visualization. The goal of this project is to provide a faster method of comparing large-scale pathogen genomes to conventional alignment-based methods such as BLAST by exploiting the inherent redundancies of the genetic code.

IRIS: Image Recognition and Identification for Slack

IRIS is an application for Slack that uses image recognition algorithms to provide users with accurate and detailed descriptions of shared image files in both private and public Slack channels. With the goal of improving accessibility for visually-impaired users, IRIS can help identify hard-to-see objects in images and empowers users to participate in Slack discussions without missing out on relevant information.

Team Monty Python @ Biomedical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence Hackathon 2018

Team Monty Python
Team Monty Python wins 1st place in the Human Protein Atlas challenge!

Let's connect!  You can reach me via LinkedIn, Twitter, or email: david[at]dguo[dot]ca.